Saturday, March 31, 2007


"My life has become easier because I got out of my own way; I started to take less things so seriously and remember that really very few things in life are in my control. The rest of it sort of happens, and my job is to recognize opportunities and navigate through them."

Happy navigation.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Forget your failures. Remember your success. This is the key to a higher self esteem.

Failures should be nothing more than lessons learned. Memories of failing are useless. Memories of lessons learned can be very constructive.

But don't forget your success. There are so many things you succeed at, but it is easy to forget them when the going gets rough...just when you need them most. Carry your successes like a badge of pride, like a shield of invulnerability. No matter what challenge you face today, you are valuable for all the successes you have already achieved.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


"Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length."

Robert Frost was wrong. Thrills are high; happiness is long. A momentary jolt of euphoria is not what happiness is about. Happiness is about being at peace with yourself. It is about feeling fulfilled. It is about acceptance and generosity and enjoying whatever you are doing.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Nothing is stopping you from driving wherever you like. In the eastbound lane. In the westbound lane. On the sidewalk? Nothing, really.

Nothing except common sense and a mutual desire not to be smashed.

Sure there is a little white or yellow line down the middle of the road, but that won’t stop a car very easily. What is stopping us all from crossing it is an unspoken understanding: “I won’t smash into you, if you don’t smash into me.” The line is only a tool to help us define the boundary.

Use common sense and understanding. Even when there is no visible line, there are lines we all must respect, crossing over which would be like smashing into other people.